Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Post, First Post!!

Hey, introduction post. You can find most of what this blog is about in the profile sidebar, but what the hell, figure I might as well introduce myself.

Hello, my name is Anna. I'm a soon-to-be-16 year old girl who spends far too much time on the internet filling all the space on my hard drive with music I download from other people. Nice to meet you.

As I said in the sidebar to the right, I have a lot of music piled up on my computer that I haven't even listened to. I have been meaning to review all of this music for a long time, but haven't gotten to it.

... Until now!..

That was lame, but necessary, I apologize.

Anyhoo. I basically just type up my first impressions of these artists on this blog. I know very little about music technically, and I hope no one is expecting an expert review or anything like that. This is really just the cold, honest opinions of a very bitter teenage girl.

Most of the artists I listen to are fairly obscure. I tend to download a lot of Japanese and, more recently, various European artists from before the 1990s. My tastes range from New Wave to Power Metal to Positive Punk to Classic Rock, among others. I'm not very picky genre-wise, but I do care about originality and composition.
(And no, I am not one of those J-rock fangirls just because I listen to music from Japan. Please don't group me in with those kinds of people. Yuck.)

I doubt this will get views, and I'm beginning to wonder how long I'll even do this, but I hope someone finds this entertaining or of value.

Thanks and goodbye!