Artist: Candies (Japan)
Well, the first line of the song is the title. That's always a sign of utter lameness. (I mean, there are exceptions, but--)
Basically, I have 30 GB of music left untouched on my hard drive that I need to listen to. So, I write my first impressions of the albums on this blog. I know nothing about music in a technical sense, so don't take what I say too seriously. That's it.
Artist: Candies (Japan)
Posted by Anna at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Artist: BUG (Japan)
Posted by Anna at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Artist: Buffalo Daughter (Japan)
Album: Shaggy Head Dressers (1994)
Short one, thank God. As usual (lately,that is) I'm at school.
Well, track one, Message From Buffalo, seems to be exactly that: a message from buffalo. For thirty seconds.
Dr.Moooooooooooooooooooooog is second. Christ, what's with all the filler? It's a damn mini-album and you're using so much filler, why not just make a maxi-single? For Christ's sake.
Finally it starts up at 1:12 with some weird eighties sounding keyboard. Similar to Apogee and Perigee, it seems. As long as the singer isn't Jun Togawa things should be fine with me.
Well, things aren't exactly going quickly so far. It's seems endless or something. It's not bad, just not particularly interesting.
In my opinion, that's the worst a band could be. At least I'll be remembering how Godawfully bad Boredoms are months from now, but something tells me that if things continue like this, I'll forget Buffalo Daughter.
Alright, alright, here I go with my biases judgements on the first two songs as usual. I'll listen to track 3, Cold Summer and hope that maybe I can get something from it.
Again, it sounds eighties, which I don't think is a plus considering this is from fucking 1994.
Well, broken English: check. I kind of figured I'd get that from the title of the album.
So far, pretty boring. Strangely enough it's fairly original, just low energy and just doesn't impress me much.
Maybe if I were in a different mood I would like this. Even then, it's nothing extraordinary.
And apparently a "hot winter is coming soon". She has repeated this about ten times.
Health or Die... Okay? I guess the title almost makes sense?
Well, this one is better. I can't really pinpoint anything wrong, in fact, I like it a bit. But just a bit. Nothing to get really excited about. It's just Shibuya-Kei.
Alright, California Blues.
As sad as it is, I really don't have many complaints. I just don't particularly like it.
I imagine those more involved in the Shibuya movement would get a kick out of it, though. But, maybe you should just stick to Pizzicato Five or Flipper's Guitar in that case (though, I haven't heard much of their material, either).
Apologies, this review is lacking in the usual anger, disappointment and resentment.
Well, here is the last track, Daisy. It starts with some man attempting to communicate with a bird and then saying that birds can't talk? I don't really know. All I know is the stabs on guitar are a little annoying.
The vocalist is nothing special, I forgot to mention that. It's definitely not bad, but it's got too much of a sweet, J-pop vibe to it, in my opinion. However, it's pleasant, especially in this song. In fact, I rather like it when the chorus comes along. It didn't stand out in the others, though.
Well, what can I say?
3 out of 5
I think that's the perfect rating. It's really just good. Nothing too special, though. I'd only get ahold of it if you are exploring the main acts of Shibuya-Kei.
Posted by Anna at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: -rating:3, Buffalo Daughter
Artist: Boredoms (Japan)
Posted by Anna at 2:19 PM 1 comments
I just watched The Nomi Song documentary so be prepared: I'm impossibly depressed, which either will equal me being unusually lenient or unusually harsh. Let's see what happens.
Posted by Anna at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: -rating:5, Bondage Fruit
Artist: BODY (Japan)
Posted by Anna at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Artist: Bloodthirsty Butchers (Japan)
Posted by Anna at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: -rating:2, Bloodthirsty Butchers